On October 26, 2021, Governor John Bel Edwards lifted the mask mandate for most indoor gatherings.  The mandate remains in effect for some public buildings, including K-12 schools.  The revised guidelines, however, permit public school districts and other private and parochial schools to opt out of the mandate if – and only if—the schools follow …

On October 26, 2021, Governor John Bel Edwards lifted the mask mandate for most indoor gatherings.  The mandate remains in effect for some public buildings, including K-12 schools.  The revised guidelines, however, permit public school districts and other private and parochial schools to opt out of the mandate if – and only if—the schools follow the requirements of the CDC regarding quarantining and isolation of those students, faculty, and staff who test positive for Covid-19 or who have been exposed to someone infected.

Today, Bishop Marshall, Superintendent Roque and the principals of the eight Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Alexandria met to discuss the mandate, the possible “opt out” and adherence to CDC guidelines.  As a result of this discussion the Diocese of Alexandria will “opt out” of the mask mandates for schools as of October 28, 2021. Masks are not required but are permitted and encouraged. At the same time, we reaffirmed our commitment to follow CDC guidelines.  Following those guidelines, acknowledging positive test results and exposure requires the cooperation of parents.  We hope and expect to have that cooperation.

We will continue to monitor the situation carefully, and changes may be made accordingly.

Below is a link of the current CDC and LDH recommendations.



Most Reverend Robert W. Marshall, Jr.                    Thomas E. Roque, Sr.
Bishop of Alexandria                                                     Superintendent of Catholic Schools

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