Our Faith

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Our Diocese

Established in 1968

The Church Today is FREE!

If you are a member of a church parish within the Diocese of Alexandria and you would like to receive the Church Today, please call (318) 445-6424, ext. 209 or email starver@diocesealex.org or complete and submit the form on the right.


Our open rate is $10 per column inch for black and white ads. Download our informational rate sheet or all (318) 445-6424, ext. 264 for advertising information. Or send ad inquiries to: joanferguson@diocesealex.org. We do not accept political, alcohol or tobacco ads.

Publication Deadlines:

  • Jan. 11 for publication on Jan. 22, 2024
  • Feb. 15 for publication on Feb. 26, 2024
  • Mar. 14 for publication on Mar. 25, 2024
  • Apr. 11 for publication on Apr. 22, 2024
  • May 16 for publication on May 27, 2024
  • June 13 for publication on June 24, 2024
  • July 11 for publication on July 22, 2024
  • Aug. 15 for publication on Aug. 26, 2024
  • Sept. 12 for publication on Sept. 23, 2024
  • Oct. 17 for publication on Oct. 28, 2024
  • Nov. 14 for publication on Nov. 25, 2024
  • Dec. 12 for publication on Dec. 23, 2024
Please note, all publication dates and deadlines are subject to change.

How to Submit News or Photos

The Church Today welcomes news from any Catholic church, school or organization in the diocese. The general deadline to remember for submitting news is the first week of each month. If you have a story idea, please contact us at (318) 445-6424, ext. 255 or email cterracina@diocesealex.org If you have photos to submit, please follow these guidelines to give your photos a better chance of actually being published. Space is limited in the Church Today newspaper and sometimes we receive more than we can fit into one issue. Be assured that your photo will most likely be added to one of the photo galleries on this website (you can see photo galleries here).

Photo submission guidelines:

Photos taken with a digital camera:

1. Transfer your photos from your camera to a computer.

2. On the computer, select the photo(s) that you would like to submit and email them as attachments to the address below. Please send one photo per email message as high quality digital photo files tend to be large and some email services limit the size of attachments.

IMPORTANT: Do not resize or manipulate the images in a photo editing program prior to sending. If you convert your color photos into black and white, they will not be placed on the website and they will not be considered for the center spread of the newspaper which prints in full color. Only color photos are used on the diocesan website and on the center spread of the Church Today. Do not add text to the photos as this will be cropped off and reduce the image that can be shown if the photo is chosen to be published.

Watch a video on how to email a photo to us! Photos taken with an iPhone:

1. Open your Photos app.

2. Either touch a photo to select it or touch the word Select in the upper right corner to select more than one photo.

3. After selecting your photo(s) touch the icon in the bottom left corner that looks like a box with an “up” arrow.

4. Touch the Mail app icon (blue square with white envelope).

5. Type in the email address below in the “To” space. Type something in the subject line so we will know the content of the message is for the Church Today.

6. Touch “Send” and a prompt will appear asking what size photos to send THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: always choose ACTUAL SIZE to make sure we receive the highest quality photo possible. This is also why we recommend sending only one photo per email because photos can be large.

      NOTE: if you received a photo via text message, the image will have been reduced in resolution by the messaging app. If you save and send these texted images, they will be too low in resolution. It is important that you send original digital images that have not been manipulated by any other computer program or app. Photos taken with another type of smartphone: similar procedure as above. Email photos to: joanferguson@diocesealex.org
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