Respectfully, in accordance with the decision of Governor John Bell Edwards, ALL schools of the Diocese of Alexandria will be closed from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 10. Please note that we will use a week of this closure for our Spring Break. All schools in the Diocese of Alexandria will officially resume on …

Respectfully, in accordance with the decision of Governor John Bell Edwards, ALL schools of the Diocese of Alexandria will be closed from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 10. Please note that we will use a week of this closure for our Spring Break. All schools in the Diocese of Alexandria will officially resume on April 13, 2020.

We are concerned for the overall health of our students, faculty and school employees. We also want to attempt to slow any spread of viruses during this time frame. In addition, please expect notifications from each school leadership for postings of classroom assignments. This will be posted on their individual websites.

Students and family members traveling to areas deemed a high risk for COVID-19 will be asked to self-quarantine before returning to school.

– Mr. Thomas E. Roque, Jr.
Diocese of Alexandria Catholic Schools Superintendent

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