WHAT: Community COVID Testing WHERE: Forest Hill Elementary School, 2032 10th Street, Forest Hill, Louisiana WHEN: June 22, 2020 from 8:00-11:00 a.m. WHO: Anyone interested in testing, symptoms or not HOW MUCH: There is no cost for the test. An ID is needed for notification purposes, not for control. Results will be sent by mail …

WHAT: Community COVID Testing

WHERE: Forest Hill Elementary School, 2032 10th Street, Forest Hill, Louisiana

WHEN: June 22, 2020 from 8:00-11:00 a.m.

WHO: Anyone interested in testing, symptoms or not

HOW MUCH: There is no cost for the test. An ID is needed for notification purposes, not for control. Results will be sent by mail to the address.

WHY: COVID-19 is very common, especially in the Hispanic community. Many infected people have no symptoms. Everyone needs to know whether they are infected or not.

David J. Holcombe, MD, MSA, Civil Surgeon
Regional Administrator/Medical Director
Louisiana Office of Public Health (Region 6-Central Louisiana)
318-487-5261 (office)
318-542-9790 (cell)


WHAT: la prueba par le virus de COVID-19

WHERE: Forest Hill Elementary School, 2032 10th Street, Forest Hill, Louisiana

WHEN: el 22 de junio, 2020 de 8 hasta 11 la manana

WHO: Cualquiera persona que querer obtenir una prueba de virus COVID, con or sin sintomas.

HOW MUCH: No paga nada para la prueba. Neceisita une identificaccion solemente para ser notificado de los resultatos. Cada persona recibiera los resultatos par correo.

WHY: El virus COVID-19 es muy frequente, especialement en la communidad hispanica. Muchos personas infectadatas no tienen ningunas sintomas. Todo el mundo tiene que sabe si tiene ou no el virus.

David J. Holcombe, MD, MSA, Civil Surgeon
Regional Administrator/Medical Director
Louisiana Office of Public Health (Region 6-Central Louisiana)
318-487-5261 (office)
318-542-9790 (cell)

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