Get to know our Priests, Deacons, Religious, and Seminarians

We asked our Priests, Deacons, Religious, and Seminarians:

What are you most thankful for from this past year, and why?

Father Derek Ducote, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Alexandria: I’m thankful for Our Lady of Prompt Succor Parish and School, where I have been welcomed and invited into many homes, events, and classrooms to celebrate Sacraments, pray, teach, and play “dinosaurs” on the classroom rug with our students.

Father Taylor Reynolds, Judicial Law student of Santa Croce University, Rome, Italy: New adventures, such as studying in Rome and future promises, such as being back home in June!

Deacon Richard Mitchell, Director of the Office of Divine Worship: I’m thankful for the successful beginning of the new deacon program. Fifteen men were accepted into the program and continue to discern their call to possible ordination. Seeing their excitement and eagerness to dive deeper into their faith is a beautiful blessing for our diocese.